Sunday 22 April 2012

Easter Activities

At the start of the four week Easter break, I made a list of things that needed to be done by me for the Film Projects. The main requirement was to finish sourcing key parts of the projects, and contact the designers for any final changes. Although I have two and a half weeks upon returning to Uni before my equipment deadline, I felt that the break would give me ample time to hunt, without having to rush when I came back.

Unfortunately, the four weeks haven't been as productive as I had hoped. A number of pieces of equipment can only be sourced once semester starts again as they require contacting other departments in the university. Similarly, the main frame for one of the designs is proving difficult to find - large measures of wood are needed to create an arcade booth. In a project with no budget, I've been having a hard time finding somewhere that can supply the materials. Contacting friends is one avenue I have taken in an attempt to find a generous carpenter willing to give up a few offcuts; however due to people being away and the uncomfortable fact that ideally the wood will be for free, this has so far been unfruitful. I am hoping that when everyone is back at university, there might be an easier way to find these things.

Despite these current setbacks, the rest of the project is on track and to schedule, meaning that the majority of the organisational work has been done so come production week, things should work well together with minimal disruption.

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